Understanding AWS Firewall Pricing: A Comprehensive Guide to Cost Management and Optimization



As organizations increasingly migrate to the cloud, understanding the costs associated with cloud services becomes crucial for effective budget management. AWS offers a variety of firewall solutions, including AWS WAF (Web Application Firewall), AWS Network Firewall, and AWS Firewall Manager. Each service has its pricing model, which can significantly impact your overall cloud expenditure. This article provides a detailed overview of AWS firewall pricing, helping you understand how to manage and optimize your costs effectively.

Overview of AWS Firewall Services

AWS provides several firewall services tailored to different security needs:

  1. AWS WAF: Protects web applications from common web exploits by filtering HTTP/HTTPS requests.

  2. AWS Network Firewall: Offers network-level protection for your Amazon VPC, allowing you to define rules for both stateful and stateless traffic.

  3. AWS Firewall Manager: Centralizes management of firewall rules across multiple accounts and resources.

Understanding the pricing structures of these services is essential for optimizing your cloud security budget.

AWS WAF Pricing Breakdown

AWS WAF pricing is based on three main components:

  1. Web Access Control Lists (Web ACLs): Each Web ACL costs $5 per month.

  2. Rules: Each rule added to a Web ACL costs $1 per month.

  3. Requests: You are charged $0.60 for every million requests processed.

Example Pricing Scenarios for AWS WAF

Case A: Basic Configuration

  • Web ACL Charges: 1 Web ACL = $5.00

  • Rule Charges: 19 custom rules = $19.00

  • Request Charges: 10 million requests = $6.00

Total Monthly Cost:

5+19+6=30 USD

5+19+6=30 USD

Case B: Managed Rule Group

  • Web ACL Charges: 1 Web ACL = $5.00

  • Rule Charges: 9 custom rules + 1 managed rule group ($20) = $10.00

  • Request Charges: 10 million requests = $6.00

Total Monthly Cost:

5+10+6+20=41 USD

5+10+6+20=41 USD

These examples illustrate how costs can accumulate quickly based on usage patterns and configurations.

AWS Network Firewall Pricing Breakdown

AWS Network Firewall pricing consists of two primary components:

  1. Endpoint Hourly Charges: Each firewall endpoint costs $0.395 per hour.

  2. Data Processing Charges: You pay $0.065 per GB processed through the firewall.

Example Pricing Scenarios for AWS Network Firewall

Case A: Single Endpoint Usage

Assuming you have one endpoint running for a month (720 hours) and process 1,000 GB of data:

  • Endpoint Charges:

720 hours×0.395 USD hour=284.40 USD

720 hours×0.395 USD hour=284.40 USD

  • Data Processing Charges:

1000 GB×0.065 USD GB=65 USD

1000 GB×0.065 USD GB=65 USD

Total Monthly Cost:

284.40+65=349.40 USD

284.40+65=349.40 USD

Case B: Multiple Endpoints and High Data Volume

If you have two endpoints and process 5,000 GB:

  • Endpoint Charges:

(720 hours×2)×0.395=568.80 USD

(720 hours×2)×0.395=568.80 USD

  • Data Processing Charges:

5000 GB×0.065=325 USD

5000 GB×0.065=325 USD

Total Monthly Cost:

568.80+325=893.80 USD

568.80+325=893.80 USD

AWS Firewall Manager Pricing Breakdown

AWS Firewall Manager simplifies the management of firewall policies across multiple accounts but comes with its own pricing structure:

  1. Protection Policy Fee: A flat fee of $100 per month per policy.

  2. AWS Config Rules Costs: Charged based on the number of configuration items monitored and evaluations performed.

Example Pricing Scenarios for AWS Firewall Manager

Case A: Single Account Policy

For one policy in a single account:

  • Protection Policy Fee: $100

  • AWS Config Rules Costs:

    • Configuration Items (100) = $0.30

    • Rule Evaluations (100) = $0.10

Total Config Costs:

0.30+0.10=0.40 USD

0.30+0.10=0.40 USD

Total Monthly Cost:

100+0.40+(WAFchargesifapplicable)=106.40 USD

100+0.40+(WAFchargesifapplicable)=106.40 USD

Case B: Multiple Accounts Policy

For seven accounts under one policy:

  • Protection Policy Fee: $100

  • AWS Config Costs:

    • Configuration Items (10,000) = $30

    • Rule Evaluations (10,000) = $10

Total Config Costs:

30+10=40 USD

30+10=40 USD

Total Monthly Cost:

100+40+(WAFchargesifapplicable)=182 USD

100+40+(WAFchargesifapplicable)=182 USD

Cost Management Strategies

To optimize your spending on AWS firewall services, consider the following strategies:

  1. Regularly Review Usage Patterns: Monitor your usage metrics via Amazon CloudWatch to identify trends and adjust configurations accordingly.

  2. Utilize Managed Rule Groups Wisely: While managed rule groups can enhance security, they can also increase costs significantly; use them judiciously.

  3. Consolidate Policies Where Possible: If you manage multiple accounts, consolidating policies under AWS Firewall Manager can lead to cost savings.

  4. Optimize Data Processing Costs: Analyze your data processing needs and consider adjusting traffic patterns or using caching strategies to minimize unnecessary data transfers.


Understanding the pricing structure of AWS firewall services is crucial for effective budget management in cloud environments. By familiarizing yourself with the costs associated with AWS WAF, AWS Network Firewall, and AWS Firewall Manager, you can make informed decisions that enhance your security posture without overspending.

Implementing cost management strategies will not only help you optimize your cloud expenditure but also ensure that your organization remains secure against evolving cyber threats while maintaining financial efficiency in its cloud operations.

Investing time in understanding and managing these costs will ultimately contribute to a more secure and cost-effective cloud environment for your organization as it navigates the complexities of digital transformation in today’s fast-paced world.

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