Creating Custom Rules for AWS WAF: A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide to Strengthening Your Web Security



As businesses increasingly rely on web applications, the need for robust security measures has never been more critical. AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF) provides a powerful solution to protect your applications from common web exploits and vulnerabilities. One of the most effective ways to enhance your security posture is by creating custom rules tailored to your specific needs. This article offers a detailed step-by-step guide on how to create custom rules for AWS WAF, empowering you to safeguard your web applications effectively.

What is AWS WAF?

AWS WAF is a cloud-based firewall service designed to protect web applications by filtering and monitoring HTTP and HTTPS requests. It enables users to create rules that specify which requests should be allowed or blocked based on defined criteria. By implementing AWS WAF, organizations can prevent attacks such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and other malicious activities that threaten their web applications.

Key Features of AWS WAF

  • Customizable Rules: Tailor your security measures with custom rules that fit your specific application requirements.

  • Managed Rule Groups: Utilize pre-configured rules provided by AWS to protect against common threats without extensive setup.

  • Real-Time Monitoring: Integrate with Amazon CloudWatch for real-time metrics and logging, allowing you to track traffic patterns and rule effectiveness.

  • Flexible Deployment Options: Deploy AWS WAF with various AWS services, including Amazon CloudFront, API Gateway, and Application Load Balancer.


Before you begin creating custom rules for AWS WAF, ensure you have the following:

  1. An active AWS account with the necessary permissions to create and manage WAF resources.

  2. A basic understanding of web application security concepts.

  3. An existing web application deployed on AWS that you want to protect.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Custom Rules for AWS WAF

Step 1: Access the AWS Management Console

  1. Log in to Your AWS Account: Navigate to the AWS Management Console and log in using your credentials.

  2. Open the AWS WAF Console: In the services menu, search for "WAF" and select "AWS WAF".

Step 2: Create a Web Access Control List (Web ACL)

A Web ACL is essential for defining how AWS WAF should handle incoming requests.

  1. Choose "Create Web ACL": On the WAF dashboard, click on the “Create Web ACL” button.

  2. Name Your Web ACL: Enter a descriptive name for your Web ACL (e.g., "MyCustomWebACL").

  3. Select Resource Type: Choose the type of resource you want to protect (e.g., CloudFront distribution, Application Load Balancer).

  4. Define Default Action: Specify the default action for requests that do not match any rules—either "Allow" or "Block".

  5. Click "Next" to proceed.

Step 3: Add Managed Rule Groups (Optional)

You can enhance your security by adding managed rule groups provided by AWS:

  1. Add Managed Rule Groups: Click on “Add managed rule groups”.

  2. Select Relevant Groups: Choose rule groups based on your application’s needs (e.g., SQL injection protection).

  3. Save Your Changes: After adding managed rule groups, click “Save”.

Step 4: Create Custom Rules

Now it’s time to define custom rules tailored to your specific security requirements:

  1. Navigate to the Rules Tab: In your Web ACL settings, go to the “Rules” tab.

  2. Click on “Add Rule”: Select “Add my own rules and rule groups”.

  3. Choose Rule Builder or JSON Editor:

    • For a visual approach, select “Rule Builder”.

    • For complex rules, switch to “Rule JSON editor”.

Example of Creating a Custom Rule Using Rule Builder

  1. Enter Rule Name: Provide a name for your custom rule (e.g., "BlockBadBots").

  2. Select Rule Type: Choose “Regular Rule”.

  3. Define Conditions:

    • Use the dropdowns to specify conditions (e.g., if a request contains a specific string in the User-Agent header).

    • Combine multiple conditions using logical operators (AND/OR).

  4. Specify Action: Choose whether to block or allow requests that match this rule.

  5. Set Priority: Assign a priority level; lower numbers indicate higher priority.

  6. Save Your Rule.

Example of Creating a Custom Rule Using JSON Editor

For more complex logic:



  "Name": "BlockBadBots",

  "Priority": 100,

  "Statement": {

    "AndStatement": {

      "Statements": [


          "ByteMatchStatement": {

            "FieldToMatch": {

              "SingleHeader": {

                "Name": "User-Agent"



            "PositionalConstraint": "CONTAINS",

            "SearchString": "BadBot",

            "TextTransformations": [


                "Type": "NONE",

                "Priority": 0






          "IPSetReferenceStatement": {

            "ARN": "arn:aws:wafv2:us-east-1:xxxxxxxxxxxx:regional/ipset/MyBadBotIPSet"






  "Action": {

    "Block": {}


  "VisibilityConfig": {

    "SampledRequestsEnabled": true,

    "CloudWatchMetricsEnabled": true,

    "MetricName": "BlockBadBots"



Step 5: Configure Logging and Metrics

To monitor the effectiveness of your custom rules:

  1. Enable Logging:

    • In the WAF console, navigate to your Web ACL settings.

    • Enable logging by selecting an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream or an Amazon S3 bucket where logs will be stored.

  2. Set Up Amazon CloudWatch Metrics:

    • Use CloudWatch to monitor metrics related to your custom rules’ performance.

Step 6: Associate Your Web ACL with Resources

To activate your Web ACL:

  1. Select Resources: Choose the resources you want to associate with your Web ACL (e.g., CloudFront distributions or Application Load Balancers).

  2. Confirm Association: Click “Associate” after selecting the appropriate resources.

Step 7: Test Your Configuration

After setting up your custom rules, it’s crucial to test their functionality:

  1. Generate Test Traffic: Use tools like curl or Postman to send test requests that should trigger your defined rules.

  2. Monitor Logs in CloudWatch: Check CloudWatch logs to verify that requests are being processed according to your custom rules.

Step 8: Adjust Rules as Necessary

Based on monitoring results:

  1. Refine Rules: Adjust existing rules or add new ones as needed based on traffic patterns or emerging threats.

  2. Regularly Review Logs: Continuously analyze logs for any suspicious activity and refine your security posture accordingly.

Best Practices for Creating Custom Rules in AWS WAF

  • Regularly Update Rules: Cyber threats evolve rapidly; ensure your rules are updated frequently based on new vulnerabilities.

  • Utilize Managed Rules When Possible: Leverage AWS-managed rule groups for common threats to save time and ensure best practices are followed.

  • Monitor Performance Metrics Closely: Use CloudWatch metrics to gain insights into how well your custom rules are performing and adjust configurations as necessary.

  • Test Regularly: Conduct regular tests of your configuration to ensure it effectively blocks unwanted traffic while allowing legitimate users access.


Creating custom rules in AWS WAF is essential for tailoring security measures that meet the unique needs of your web applications. By following this step-by-step guide, you can effectively configure robust firewall solutions that enhance your organization's security posture against various cyber threats.

Investing time in customizing AWS WAF not only protects valuable assets but also builds trust with customers by demonstrating a commitment to cybersecurity best practices in an increasingly interconnected world. With the right configuration, you can ensure that your web applications remain secure while providing seamless access for legitimate users.


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