Using Terraform Cloud with Kubernetes: A Comprehensive Guide to Managing Kubernetes Clusters


As organizations increasingly turn to container orchestration for managing applications, Kubernetes has emerged as the de facto standard for deploying and scaling containerized applications. However, managing Kubernetes clusters can be complex, especially as environments scale. Enter Terraform Cloud, a powerful tool that allows teams to manage their infrastructure as code (IaC). This article explores how to effectively use Terraform Cloud with Kubernetes, providing a step-by-step guide to integrating the two platforms for streamlined management of Kubernetes clusters.

What is Terraform Cloud?

Terraform Cloud is a managed service that enhances the capabilities of the open-source Terraform tool. It offers features such as remote state management, collaboration tools, and automated workflows, making it easier for teams to work together on infrastructure projects. By integrating Terraform Cloud with Kubernetes, organizations can automate the provisioning and management of their clusters, improving efficiency and reducing the risk of errors.

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Why Use Terraform Cloud with Kubernetes?

Integrating Terraform Cloud with Kubernetes provides several advantages:

  1. Infrastructure as Code: Define your entire infrastructure—including Kubernetes resources—in a single configuration file, ensuring consistency and repeatability across environments.

  2. Collaboration: Enable teams to work together seamlessly by utilizing version control systems (VCS) for tracking changes and managing configurations.

  3. Automated Provisioning: Automate the deployment of Kubernetes resources, reducing manual intervention and speeding up the delivery of applications.

  4. Centralized Management: Manage both cloud infrastructure and Kubernetes resources from a single platform, simplifying operations.

Prerequisites for Integration

Before diving into the integration process, ensure you have the following:

  • An active Kubernetes cluster (can be on any cloud provider or local setup).

  • Terraform Cloud account.

  • Basic knowledge of Terraform syntax and concepts.

Step 1: Set Up Your Kubernetes Cluster

If you don’t already have a Kubernetes cluster set up, you can create one using various methods, including:

  • Managed Services: Use services like Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), Amazon EKS, or Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) for quick setup.

  • Local Development: Tools like Minikube or Kind can help you set up a local cluster for testing purposes.

Step 2: Create a New Workspace in Terraform Cloud

  1. Log into Terraform Cloud:

  2. Create an Organization:

    • If you haven’t already done so, create an organization that will contain your workspaces.

  3. Create a New Workspace:

    • Go to the "Workspaces" section in your organization.

    • Click on "New Workspace."

    • Choose "Version Control Workflow" to link it with your version control system (e.g., GitHub).

  4. Connect Your VCS:

    • Authorize Terraform Cloud to access your VCS account.

    • Select the repository that contains your Terraform configuration files.

Step 3: Write Your First Terraform Configuration for Kubernetes

Now that your workspace is set up, it’s time to write a basic configuration file:

  1. Create a file named in your repository with the following content:


terraform {

  required_providers {

    kubernetes = {

      source  = "hashicorp/kubernetes"

      version = "~> 2.0"




provider "kubernetes" {

  config_path = "~/.kube/config" # Path to your kubeconfig file


resource "kubernetes_namespace" "example" {

  metadata {

    name = "example-namespace"



resource "kubernetes_deployment" "nginx" {

  metadata {

    name      = "nginx-deployment"

    namespace = kubernetes_namespace.example.metadata[0].name


  spec {

    replicas = 2

    selector {

      match_labels = {

        app = "nginx"



    template {

      metadata {

        labels = {

          app = "nginx"



      spec {

        container {

          name  = "nginx"

          image = "nginx:latest"

          ports {

            container_port = 80







This configuration defines a namespace and a simple NGINX deployment within that namespace.

Step 4: Initialize Your Workspace

Once you’ve committed your configuration file to your repository:

  1. Go back to your workspace in Terraform Cloud.

  2. A new run will automatically be triggered based on your latest commit.

  3. Review the generated plan in the Terraform Cloud dashboard.

Step 5: Apply Your Configuration

After reviewing the plan:

  1. Click on "Confirm & Apply" in the Terraform Cloud interface.

  2. Alternatively, you can apply via CLI if you prefer command-line operations:


terraform apply

Confirm the action when prompted by typing yes. This command provisions the resources defined in your configuration file.

Step 6: Monitor Your Kubernetes Resources

Once applied, you can monitor your Kubernetes resources directly from the Kubernetes dashboard or by using kubectl commands:


kubectl get all -n example-namespace

This command will show all resources within the specified namespace.

Best Practices for Managing Kubernetes with Terraform

To optimize your integration between Terraform Cloud and Kubernetes, consider these best practices:

  1. Use Modular Configurations: Break down complex configurations into reusable modules for better organization and maintainability.

  2. Implement Version Control Best Practices: Use branches for different environments (e.g., development, staging) and enforce code reviews through pull requests.

  3. Secure Sensitive Information: Utilize environment variables or secrets management features in Terraform Cloud for sensitive data like API keys or passwords.

  4. Regularly Review Resource Usage: Monitor costs associated with Azure resources through both Terraform Cloud and Azure billing dashboards.

  5. Document Your Infrastructure: Maintain documentation outlining how resources are configured and managed within Terraform for future reference.

  6. Leverage Helm Charts: For more complex applications, consider using Helm charts alongside Terraform to simplify deployments and manage dependencies effectively.


Using Terraform Cloud with Kubernetes provides organizations with a powerful toolkit for managing cloud infrastructure efficiently and securely. By following this step-by-step guide—setting up accounts, creating workspaces, writing configurations, and applying changes—you can leverage both platforms' capabilities to streamline operations and enhance collaboration among team members.As cloud environments continue to evolve, mastering tools like Terraform Cloud will be essential for organizations looking to maintain control over their infrastructure while embracing best practices in automation and collaboration. By implementing these strategies effectively, teams can ensure their cloud operations are not only efficient but also secure and compliant with organizational standards—an essential aspect of modern IT management in today’s dynamic digital landscape.By integrating Terraform Cloud with Kubernetes, organizations can achieve greater automation in their deployment processes while ensuring consistency across environments—ultimately leading to faster delivery times and improved application performance.

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