How to Set Up and Use Apache Airflow on AWS: A Step-by-Step Guide

Apache Airflow is a powerful open-source tool designed for orchestrating complex workflows and managing data pipelines. When deployed on Amazon Web Services (AWS), Airflow can leverage the cloud’s scalability and reliability, making it an ideal choice for organizations looking to streamline their data processing tasks. This article will guide you through the steps to set up and use Apache Airflow on AWS, enabling you to automate and monitor your workflows effectively.

Step 1: Preparing Your AWS Environment

Before you can install Apache Airflow, you need to prepare your AWS environment:

  1. Create an AWS Account: If you don’t already have an AWS account, sign up at the AWS website.

  2. Launch an EC2 Instance:

    • Navigate to the EC2 service in the AWS Management Console.

    • Click on “Launch Instance” to create a new instance.

    • Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI). For this setup, select the Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS AMI, which is eligible for the free tier.

    • Select an instance type, such as t2.micro, which is suitable for testing and small workloads.

    • Create a new key pair to access your instance securely.

  3. Configure Security Groups:

    • Set up a security group that allows inbound traffic on the necessary ports. For Airflow, you need to open port 8080 to access the web interface.

    • Add an inbound rule for TCP traffic on port 8080.

Step 2: Installing Apache Airflow

Once your EC2 instance is running, you can proceed with the installation of Apache Airflow:

  1. Connect to Your EC2 Instance:

    • Use SSH to connect to your instance. The command will look like this:

ssh -i "your-key.pem" ubuntu@your-ec2-public-ip

  1. Update the Package List:

    • After logging in, update your package list to ensure you have the latest versions of software:

sudo apt-get update

  1. Install Python and Pip:

    • Install Python and Pip, which are required to run Airflow:

sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip

  1. Set Up a Virtual Environment:

    • It’s a good practice to create a virtual environment for your Airflow installation:

  2. bash

sudo pip3 install virtualenv

virtualenv airflow_venv

source airflow_venv/bin/activate

  1. Install Apache Airflow:

    • You can now install Apache Airflow using pip. Make sure to specify the version you want to install:


pip install "apache-airflow==${AIRFLOW_VERSION}" --constraint "${AIRFLOW_VERSION}/constraints-3.8.txt"

Step 3: Initializing Airflow

After installing Airflow, you need to initialize it:

  1. Set Up the Airflow Database:

    • Airflow uses a database to keep track of task instances and other metadata. For simplicity, you can use SQLite for local testing:

airflow db init

  1. Create an Admin User:

    • Create an admin user to access the Airflow web interface:

airflow users create --username admin --firstname Admin --lastname User --role Admin --email

  1. Start the Airflow Web Server and Scheduler:

    • In separate terminal sessions, start the web server and the scheduler:

airflow webserver --port 8080

airflow scheduler

Step 4: Accessing the Airflow Web Interface

  1. Open Your Web Browser:

    • Navigate to http://your-ec2-public-ip:8080 to access the Airflow web interface.

  2. Log In:

    • Use the admin credentials you created earlier to log in.

Step 5: Creating and Running Your First DAG

  1. Create a DAG:

    • In the Airflow web interface, create a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) to define your workflow. You can do this by creating a Python file in the dags folder:

from airflow import DAG

from airflow.operators.dummy_operator import DummyOperator

from datetime import datetime

default_args = {

    'owner': 'airflow',

    'start_date': datetime(2023, 1, 1),


dag = DAG('my_first_dag', default_args=default_args, schedule_interval='@daily')

start = DummyOperator(task_id='start', dag=dag)

end = DummyOperator(task_id='end', dag=dag)

start >> end

  1. Trigger the DAG:

    • Back in the web interface, you can manually trigger your DAG and monitor its execution.


Setting up Apache Airflow on AWS provides organizations with a powerful tool for orchestrating complex workflows and managing data pipelines. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can deploy Airflow efficiently and begin automating your data processes. With its rich user interface and extensive capabilities, Airflow empowers teams to streamline their workflows and enhance productivity. Embrace the power of Apache Airflow on AWS to transform your data management strategies today!

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