Orchestrating Multi-Stage Deployments: Managing Environments with Azure DevOps Pipelines

Deploying applications across development (dev), staging, and production (prod) environments requires a controlled and efficient approach. This article explores utilizing Azure DevOps pipelines to manage deployments to multiple environments. We'll create separate stages within the pipeline for each environment, implement approval gates and checks for controlled deployments, and leverage environment variables to manage configuration differences.

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1. The Multi-Environment Landscape: Dev, Staging, and Production

  • Dev Environment: Used by developers for building, testing, and iterating on code changes.
  • Staging Environment: Mirrors the production environment for simulating deployments and user acceptance testing (UAT).
  • Production Environment: The live environment where your application serves end users.

Benefits of Multi-Stage Pipelines:

  • Controlled Deployments: Enforces a defined deployment process for each environment.
  • Environment-Specific Configurations: Allows for tailored configurations based on the target environment.
  • Improved Quality and Stability: Reduces the risk of deploying unstable code to production.

2. Building the Pipeline: Stages for Each Environment

  • Navigate to your Azure DevOps pipeline and access the editor.
  • Within the editor, you'll see pre-defined stages (e.g., "Get sources," "Build").

Adding Environment Stages:

  • Click the "+" icon next to an existing stage and choose "Add stage."
  • Name the new stage descriptively (e.g., "Deploy to Dev").
  • Repeat this process to create separate stages for staging and production deployments (e.g., "Deploy to Staging," "Deploy to Production").

Pipeline Flow:

With these stages defined, your pipeline will execute tasks sequentially, first performing actions in the "Get sources" and "Build" stages, followed by deployments to each environment stage.

3. Controlling Deployments: Approvals and Checks


  • Click on the ellipsis (...) next to each deployment stage (e.g., "Deploy to Dev").
  • Choose "Add approval or check."
  • Select "Approval" and choose the group or individuals who require approval before deployment proceeds to the next stage.

Approvals ensure manual oversight and authorization before deploying to higher environments, especially staging and production.


You can also configure additional checks within each deployment stage. These checks can involve running specific tasks or scripts to verify the build or perform security scans before deployment.

Leveraging approvals and checks empowers your team to manage deployments effectively and mitigate the risk of unintended or unauthorized releases.

4. Environment-Specific Configurations: Using Variables

  • Navigate to the pipeline editor and click on "Variables" within the pipeline settings.

Defining Environment Variables:

  • Click on "New variable" to create environment-specific variables.
  • Provide a descriptive name for the variable (e.g., "ApiBaseUrl").
  • Choose a value that corresponds to the target environment (e.g., "[invalid URL removed]" for the dev environment).
  • Repeat this process to define variables for connection strings, logging levels, or any configuration that differs between environments.

Accessing Variables in Tasks:

Within your pipeline tasks (e.g., deployment tasks), you can reference these environment variables using the syntax $(variableName). This allows you to configure deployments based on the target environment without modifying the pipeline itself.

Environment variables promote maintainability and ensure deployments use the appropriate configurations for each stage.

5. Benefits and Considerations


  • Controlled Deployments: Enforces a controlled and secure deployment process across environments.
  • Environment-Specific Configurations: Enables tailored configurations for each environment.
  • Improved Collaboration: Fosters collaboration through approval gates and clear ownership of deployments.


  • Pipeline Complexity: As environments and configurations increase, consider using tools like deployment slots within Azure App Service for simplified management.
  • Variable Security: Secure sensitive environment variables using Azure Key Vault to restrict access.

By utilizing multi-stage pipelines with approvals, checks, and environment variables, you establish a robust and secure deployment approach for your Azure DevOps projects. This ensures controlled deployments, environment-specific configurations, and promotes collaboration within your development team.

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