Building DevOps Infrastructure: Implementing Azure DevOps with Terraform

Managing Azure DevOps resources manually can be time-consuming and error-prone. This article explores utilizing Terraform, an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool, to automate the provisioning and management of your Azure DevOps projects and pipelines. We'll delve into defining Terraform configurations for creating projects, pipelines, and versioning your infrastructure changes.

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1. Introducing the Tools: Terraform and Azure DevOps

  • Terraform: An open-source IaC tool that allows you to define infrastructure using declarative configuration files.
  • Azure DevOps: A suite of services for version control, collaboration, and application lifecycle management for cloud and on-premises deployments.

Benefits of IaC:

  • Automation: Automates provisioning and configuration of Azure DevOps resources.
  • Repeatability: Ensures consistent infrastructure across environments.
  • Version Control: Tracks infrastructure changes through version control systems like Git.

2. Defining Azure DevOps Resources in Terraform

HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL):

Terraform uses HCL to define infrastructure resources. Here's an example configuration for creating an Azure DevOps project:

resource "azure_devops_project" "my_devops_project" {
  name       = "My DevOps Project"
  description = "Project for managing my applications"
  visibility = "Private"

  # Optional: Assign tags for organization
  tags = {
    environment = "dev"

This configuration defines an Azure DevOps project named "My DevOps Project" with a description and set to private visibility. You can further customize these configurations to specify additional project settings.

Defining Pipelines:

Similarly, you can define pipelines within Terraform configurations. However, pipelines often rely on existing resources within your project. We'll address this in the next section.

3. Provisioning and Versioning with Terraform

Terraform Init and Plan:

  • Initialize Terraform in your project directory by running terraform init. This downloads required plugins for interacting with Azure DevOps services.
  • Run terraform plan to preview the infrastructure changes Terraform will make based on your configuration files.

Applying the Configuration:

  • Once satisfied with the plan, run terraform apply to provision the Azure DevOps project (and any other resources defined in your configuration).

Version Control Integration:

Terraform configurations are stored in version control systems like Git. This allows you to track changes to your infrastructure over time and revert to previous versions if necessary.

Managing Pipelines:

While directly defining pipelines within Terraform configurations is possible, it's often recommended to manage pipelines within Azure DevOps itself. Terraform can then manage the project where these pipelines reside. Additionally, pipeline definitions often rely on specific code stored within your version control system, which Terraform wouldn't manage directly.

4. Continuous Integration for Infrastructure (CI/IaC):**

  • Integrate your Terraform configuration with a CI/CD pipeline in Azure DevOps.
  • Upon code pushes to your version control system, the CI/CD pipeline can trigger Terraform commands to automate infrastructure provisioning and updates.
  • This approach streamlines infrastructure management alongside your application development workflow.

5. Benefits and Considerations


  • Reduced Errors: IaC minimizes configuration errors through code-driven infrastructure management.
  • Self-Service Provisioning: Empower developers to provision their own Azure DevOps projects within defined parameters.
  • Consistency: Ensures consistent configuration across environments by defining infrastructure as code.


  • Security: Implement strict access controls for Terraform state files to manage infrastructure access.
  • Testing: Develop a testing strategy for your Terraform configurations to ensure desired outcomes before applying changes.

By leveraging Terraform for IaC, you automate the provisioning and management of your Azure DevOps resources. This approach ensures consistent infrastructure, reduces manual configuration, and integrates seamlessly with your CI/CD workflow.

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