How To Setup Docker On Windows Server

Understanding Docker and its Components

Docker is an open-source platform for developing, deploying, and running applications within containers. It is used to streamline the development and deployment process by providing a consistent environment across different systems.

Key Components:

  • Containers: Containers are lightweight, standalone, and executable packages that contain everything needed to run an application. Each container is isolated from other containers and has its own set of resources, including libraries, system tools, code, and settings.

  • Images: Images are read-only templates used to create containers. An image contains the application code and its dependencies, and it is used as a blueprint for creating containers.

  • Dockerfile: A Dockerfile is a text file that contains instructions for building a Docker image. It specifies the environment, dependencies, and other configuration settings for the application.

  • Docker Engine: Docker Engine is the core component of Docker that manages the lifecycle of containers. It includes a client-server architecture with a daemon process running on the host machine and a CLI tool for interacting with the daemon.

  • Docker Registry: Docker Registry is a repository that stores Docker images. It can be either a public registry such as Docker Hub or a private registry set up by an organization.

  • Docker Compose: Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container applications. It configure the application’s services, networks, and volumes using a YAML file.

Key Differences from Traditional Virtualization:

  • Resource Utilization: In traditional virtualization, each virtual machine (VM) has its own operating system, taking up a significant amount of resources. In contrast, Docker containers share the host machine’s operating system and only use the resources necessary for running the application.

  • Boot Time: Docker containers have a significantly faster boot time compared to traditional virtual machines. Containers use the host machine’s kernel, which eliminates the need to boot an entire operating system.

  • Portability: Docker containers are highly portable, making it easy to run the same application on different machines without any changes. In contrast, traditional virtual machines require the same hypervisor and hardware to run.

  • Scalability: With Docker, it is easy to scale up or down the number of containers running an application, depending on the workload. In traditional virtualization, scaling requires adding or removing virtual machines, which can be time-consuming.

  • Isolation: Containers are more lightweight and offer less isolation compared to traditional virtual machines. However, this also means they are more efficient and faster, as they have access to the host machine’s resources.

Windows Server Requirements for Docker

System requirements for running Docker on Windows Server:

  • Processor: 64-bit processor with virtualization support (Intel VT-x or AMD-V) enabled in BIOS. Recommended: Intel Core i3 or higher.

  • Operating System: Windows Server 2016 or later, 64-bit version.

  • Memory: Minimum 4GB RAM, but recommended 8GB or more for better performance.

  • Disk space: minimum 30GB available for Docker installation and container images.

  • Network: A network adapter with internet connectivity.

  • Graphics card: DirectX 10 capable or higher.

Supported Windows Server versions and editions for running Docker:

  • Windows Server 2016 — Available in Standard, Datacenter, and Essentials editions.

  • Windows Server 2019 — Available in Standard, Datacenter, and Essentials editions.

Note: Docker is not supported on Windows Server 2008, 2008 R2, 2012 and 2012 R2, and versions of Windows Server earlier than these. Also, the Nano Server option is not supported for Docker installation.

Additional requirements for specific use cases:

  • Hyper-V: Docker for Windows requires Hyper-V to be enabled for running Linux containers on Windows Server. Hyper-V is automatically enabled on Windows Server 2016, but for Windows Server 2019, it may need to be manually enabled before installing Docker.

  • Linux Containers on Windows Server: Windows Server 2019 only supports Linux containers on the Long-Term Servicing Channel (LTSC).

  • Windows Containers on Windows Server: Windows Server 2019 supports both long-term and semi-annual channel (SAC) releases for Windows containers.

  • Docker Swarm: To run Docker in Swarm mode on Windows Server, the server must be a member of an Active Directory domain.

  • Windows Server mode: Docker needs to be installed in “Windows Server mode” for running Windows containers on Windows Server.

Note: For running Docker on Windows Server, the server should have a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) and be configured as a standalone server or part of an Active Directory domain. It may also require the installation of additional features and roles such as PowerShell, .NET Framework 4.5 or newer, and the latest updates and security patches.

Installation and Configuration

Step 1: Check System Requirements Before proceeding with the installation process, it is important to ensure that your Windows Server meets the minimum system requirements for Docker.

The requirements are:

Windows Server 2016 or higher

64-bit processor with Second Level Address Translation (SLAT)

Virtualization enabled in BIOS

Minimum of 4GB of RAM

Step 2: Download Docker Installer To download Docker, go to the Docker website ( and click on the “Get Started” button at the top right corner of the page. This will take you to the “Get Docker” page where you can choose the appropriate installer for your Windows Server version.

Step 3: Run the Installer Once the installer is downloaded, run it to start the installation process. The Docker installation wizard will guide you through the installation process.

Step 4: Choose Installation Type The first step of the installation process is to choose the installation type. There are two options available: “Stable” and “Edge”. The Stable version is recommended for production environments, while the Edge version is for testing new features and updates.

Step 5: Read and Accept the License Agreement Next, you will need to read and accept the license agreement to continue with the installation.

Step 6: Choose Components In the next step, you can choose which components to install. By default, all components will be selected, and it is recommended to leave them as is.

Step 7: Choose Installation Location You can choose the location where Docker will be installed. The default location is “C:\Program Files\Docker”, but you can change it if needed.

Step 8: Choose Data Storage Options Docker offers three different types of storage options: “Windows containers”, “Linux containers”, and “Shared drives”. You can choose which one you want to use or leave all options selected for Docker to choose automatically.

Step 9: Configure Docker Virtual Machine Docker uses a Linux virtual machine (VM) to run the containers. You can choose the VM size and location for the Docker VM. The default settings are recommended, but you can change them if needed.

Step 10: Select Additional Task In this step, you can choose to enable “Docker Compose” and “Kubernetes” features. These are not enabled by default, but you can check the box to enable them if needed.

Step 11: Confirm Installation Settings Once you have made all the necessary selections, click on the “Install” button to start the installation process. You can review the installation settings before proceeding.

Step 12: Installation Process The installation process may take a few minutes to complete. You can monitor the progress of the installation wizard.

Step 13: Completing the Installation Once the installation is complete, click on the “Finish” button to exit the installation wizard. The docker willautomatically start after the installation is completed.

Step 14: Verify Docker Installation To verify that Docker is installed correctly, open a command prompt and type “docker — version”. If Docker is installed correctly, the version number will be displayed.

Congratulations, you have successfully installed Docker on your Windows Server. You can now start using Docker to run and manage containers.

Docker Basics on Windows Server

Docker is a popular platform for containerization, allowing developers and system administrators to create, deploy, and run applications inside lightweight, isolated containers. These containers can run on any operating system, making it a versatile and efficient way to develop and deploy applications.

Docker offers two primary ways of managing containers on Windows Server — the Docker CLI and the Docker Desktop for Windows GUI. Both of these tools provide a user-friendly interface for creating, running, and managing containers on your Windows Server.

  • Docker CLI: The Docker CLI (Command-Line Interface) is a tool for managing Docker containers and images through a command-line interface. It is a powerful tool for experienced developers and system administrators who prefer to work from a command-line interface. To access the Docker CLI, you will need to have Docker installed on your Windows Server.

Here are some of the basic commands that you can use with the Docker CLI:

  • docker run: This command is used to run a container based on an image. It creates a new container from the image and starts the container.

  • docker pull: This command is used to download an image from a registry.

  • docker build: This command is used to build an image from a Dockerfile.

  • docker ps: This command is used to view the status of running containers.

  • docker stop: This command is used to stop a running container.

  • docker rm: This command is used to remove a container.

  • docker images: This command is used to view all local images.

  • docker rmi: This command is used to remove an image.

  • docker exec: This command is used to run a command inside a running container.

2. Docker Desktop for Windows: Docker Desktop for Windows is a user-friendly, graphical user interface that allows you to manage and work with containers using a visual interface. It provides an easy way to build and manage containers without having to use command-line tools.

Here are some of the features and functionalities of Docker Desktop for Windows:

  • Container creation: Docker Desktop for Windows allows you to create new containers with just a few clicks, without having to use the Docker CLI.

  • Image management: You can view, download, and manage images from the Docker Hub registry, as well as any private registries that you have access to.

  • Container management: You can start, stop, and remove containers, as well as view their status and logs.

  • Docker Compose: Docker Desktop for Windows also comes with Docker Compose, a tool for defining and running multi-container applications.

  • Network management: You can configure and manage network connections for your containers.

  • File sharing: Docker Desktop for Windows allows you to easily share files between your local machine and the containers.

  • Resource management: You can allocate resources such as CPU and memory for your containers.

Creating and Managing Docker Containers

Docker is a popular platform for developers to create, package, and run their applications in containers. Containers are isolated, lightweight, and portable environments that allow applications to run consistently across different platforms. In this guide, we will cover how to create and manage Docker containers on Windows Server.

Step 1: Install Docker on Windows Server The first step to using Docker on Windows Server is to install the Docker engine. The Docker engine is responsible for creating and running containers on your system. You can follow the official Docker installation guide for Windows Server 2016 or Windows Server 2019 to download and install the Docker engine.

Step 2: Pull a Docker Image Once Docker is installed on your Windows Server, the next step is to pull a Docker image. A Docker image is a pre-built, read-only package that contains all the files, libraries, and dependencies required to run an application. You can pull images from Docker Hub or any other registry that hosts Docker images.

To pull an image, open a command prompt or PowerShell window and use the `docker pull` command followed by the name of the image you want to pull. For example, to pull the latest version of the Ubuntu image, you can use the command `docker pull ubuntu:latest`.

Step 3: Create a Docker Container Once you have pulled an image, you can use it to create a Docker container. A container is an instance of an image, and it can be started, stopped, and restarted as needed. To create a container, use the `docker run` command followed by the name of the image and any additional options.

For example, to create a new container from the Ubuntu image, you can use the command `docker run -it — name mycontainer ubuntu:latest`. This will create a new container named `mycontainer` using the latest version of the Ubuntu image and start an interactive session in the container.

Step 4: Interact with your Container Once your container is running, you can interact with it using the `docker exec` command. This command allows you to run commands inside a running container. For example, to open a Bash shell in your Ubuntu container, you can use the command `docker exec -it mycontainer bash`.

You can also use the `docker attach` command to attach to a running container and view its output. This is useful when you want to see the logs of your application running inside the container.

Step 5: Manage your Containers Docker provides several commands to manage your containers. These include starting, stopping, restarting, and deleting containers. These commands can be executed either on a single container or multiple containers at once.

To start a container, use the `docker start` command followed by the name or ID of the container. Similarly, you can use the `docker stop` command to stop a running container.

To restart a container, use the `docker restart` command. To delete a container, use the `docker rm` command followed by the name or ID of the container. You can also use the `docker rm -f` command to force-delete a container if it is still running.

Step 6: Persist Data in Containers By default, data inside a container is ephemeral, meaning it will be lost when the container is deleted. To persist data in containers, you can use volumes. Volumes are a way to mount a storage volume from the Windows Server host into the container.

To create a volume, use the `docker volume create` command. You can then mount this volume into your container when creating it using the `docker run` command. This will allow your container to store and access data in the mounted volume even after it is deleted.

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