How to setup a CI/CD for a Django application

Setting up a development environment for the Django application

Installing Django:

  • Install Python: Django is a Python-based web framework, so you will need to have Python installed on your system. You can download and install Python from the official website ( Make sure to choose the appropriate version of Python for your operating system.

  • Install pip: Pip is a package manager for Python that allows you to easily install and manage dependencies. You can check if pip is already installed on your system by running the command “pip — version” in the terminal. If not, you can install it by following the instructions on the official website (

  • Create a virtual environment: It is recommended to use a virtual environment for your Django project. This will allow you to have isolated and separate environments for each project, avoiding any conflicts between dependencies. To create a virtual environment, run the command “python3 -m venv <name>” in the terminal, where <name> is the name of your virtual environment.

  • Activate the virtual environment: After creating the virtual environment, you need to activate it. On Windows, run the command “venv\Scripts\activate” and on Mac/Linux, run “source venv/bin/activate” in the terminal.

  • Install Django: With the virtual environment activated, you can now install Django using pip. Run the command “pip install Django” in the terminal. This will install the latest stable version of Django.

  • Create a Django project: To create a Django project, run the command “django-admin startproject <project_name>” in the terminal. This will create a project with the given name and a basic structure for your project.

  • Start the development server: To test if Django was installed correctly, change the directory to the project folder and run the command “python runserver” in the terminal. This will start the development server and you should see the Django welcome page when you visit in your browser.

Installing dependencies:

There are various Django dependencies that you may need for your project, such as a database connector or a template engine.

  • Install dependencies using pip: To install a dependency using pip, simply run the command “pip install <dependency_name>” in the terminal. Make sure to activate your virtual environment before installing any dependencies.

  • Update requirements.txt: It is a good practice to keep track of all the dependencies used in your Django project. To do this, create a file called “requirements.txt” in your project directory and add all the dependencies you have installed using pip. You can also generate this file automatically using the command “pip freeze > requirements.txt”.

  • Install dependencies from requirements.txt: To install all the dependencies listed in the requirements.txt file, run the command “pip install -r requirements.txt” in the terminal. This will ensure that everyone working on the project has the same dependencies installed.

Importance of using version control for Django:

Version control is essential for any software development project, including Django. It helps in organizing and managing the codebase, keeping track of changes made by different developers, and allows for easy collaboration. Here are some reasons why using version control (such as Git) is important for a Django project:

  • Easy rollback to a previous version: With version control, you can easily go back to a previous version of your code if something breaks or goes wrong. This can be extremely useful when implementing new features or making changes to the codebase.

  • Better collaboration: If you are working on a project with a team of developers, version control allows for easier collaboration. Each developer can work on their own branch and merge their changes into the main codebase when they are done. This helps in avoiding conflicts and ensures that everyone is working on the most up-to-date version of the code.

  • Keeps track of changes: Version control keeps a history of all the changes made to the code, including who made the changes and when. This makes it easier to track down and fix any bugs or issues that may arise.

  • Facilitates testing and deployment: With version control, you can create different branches for different stages of development, such as testing and deployment.

Configuring a CI server for the Django application

CI (Continuous Integration) is a development practice that involves merging code changes from multiple developers into a central repository frequently. This allows for faster and more efficient development, as well as early detection of any issues or conflicts. To facilitate this process, there are various CI servers available in the market, including Jenkins, Travis CI, and GitLab CI/CD. In this guide, we will explore the process of setting up a CI server with these solutions and how to configure them to trigger builds and run tests on code changes.


Jenkins is an open-source automation server that provides continuous integration and delivery services. It offers a wide range of features and integrations with popular tools and platforms, making it a popular choice among developers.

To set up Jenkins as your CI server, follow these steps:

  • Download and install Jenkins on your local machine or server following the official documentation.

  • Once installed, navigate to the Jenkins web interface by entering the server’s IP address or `localhost:8080` in your web browser. The default port for Jenkins is 8080, but you can change it during installation.

  • You will be prompted to enter an initial admin password, which can be found in the initial setup logs or in the `secrets/initialAdminPassword` file in your Jenkins installation directory.

  • After entering the admin password, you will be prompted to install suggested plugins or select which plugins you want to install. For CI purposes, make sure to include plugins for version control systems (e.g., Git, SVN), test frameworks, and build tools.

  • Once the plugins are installed, you will be asked to create the admin user and specify the Jenkins URL. 6. After creating the admin user, you will be redirected to the Jenkins dashboard.

To configure Jenkins to trigger builds and run tests on code changes, follow these steps:

  • Create a new Jenkins job by clicking on the “New Item” button on the dashboard.

  • Give your job a name and select the type of project it will be (e.g., Freestyle project, Pipeline).

  • In the “Source Code Management” section, select the version control system your project uses (e.g., Git).

  • Enter the repository URL and credentials if needed.

  • In the “Build Triggers” section, select the option to “Build when a change is pushed to GitHub” or “Poll SCM” and specify the frequency of checking for changes. You can also configure specific branches to trigger builds on.

  • In the “Build” section, specify the build steps that need to be performed on each build. This can include compiling, testing, or other commands or scripts.

  • Save the job and click on the “Build Now” button to trigger a manual build. Alternatively, any new code changes pushed to the repository connected to this job will automatically trigger a build.

Travis CI:

Travis CI is a hosted CI/CD service that integrates with GitHub and Bitbucket. It is free for open-source projects and offers paid plans for private repositories.

To set up Travis CI as your CI server, follow these steps:

  • Sign in to Travis CI using your GitHub/Bitbucket account.

  • Click on your profile icon and select “Manage repositories” from the dropdown menu.

  • Enable Travis CI for the repository you want to set up.

  • Create a `.travis.yml` file in the root directory of your project. This file will contain the configuration for your build.

  • In the `.travis.yml` file, specify the programming language, test framework, and other dependencies necessary for the build.

  • Commit and push the `.travis.yml` file to trigger the first build.

To configure Travis CI to trigger builds and run tests on code changes, follow these steps:

  • In the `.travis.yml` file, specify the branches or patterns that need to be watched for changes under the `branches` section.

  • Add a `before_install` section to install any dependencies or tools required for the build.

  • Add a `script` section to specify the commands needed to run the tests or build.

  • Commit and push the changes to trigger a new build.

  • On the Travis CI dashboard, you can see the status of the build and view the build logs to debug any issues.

Continuous Delivery with Docker

Benefits of using Docker for deploying Django applications:

  • Consistency: Docker creates a consistent environment for running applications, regardless of the host system. This ensures that the application will run the same way on any platform, reducing the chances of encountering compatibility issues.

  • Portability: Docker containers are portable, meaning they can be easily moved from one environment to another, including local development machines, staging servers, and production servers. This makes it easier to deploy the application to different environments without having to worry about compatibility or configuration differences.

  • Isolation: Each Docker container runs in its own isolated environment, providing a level of security and stability for the application. This prevents one container from impacting the entire system, allowing for better control and management of resources.

  • Scalability: Docker allows for fast and easy scaling of applications by enabling the creation of multiple containers. This enables applications to handle high traffic and demand without the need for additional resources.

  • Faster deployment: Docker significantly speeds up the deployment process by eliminating the need for lengthy configuration and setup. Once the Docker image is created, it can be easily deployed to any host system with minimal effort.

Now, let’s go through the process of Dockerizing a Django application:

Step 1: Install Docker

The first step is to install Docker on your development machine. You can download and install Docker from their official website for your respective operating system.

Step 2: Create a Dockerfile

A Dockerfile is a text document that contains all the instructions needed to build a Docker image. In the root directory of your Django project, create a file named “Dockerfile” without any extension.

Step 3: Define the base image

In the Dockerfile, specify the base image for your application. Generally, the base image used for Django applications is “python:3.8-slim”.

Step 4: Install application dependencies

Use the “RUN” command to install any necessary dependencies for your Django application, including Django itself and other required packages listed in your “requirements.txt” file.

Step 5: Copy application code

Use the “COPY” command to copy your application code into the Docker image. This will include all your Django project files, including the “” file.

Step 6: Expose the port

Use the “EXPOSE” command to specify the port your Django application will be running on. By default, Django runs on port 8000.

Step 7: Start the Django application

Finally, use the “CMD” command to start the Django application using the “runserver” command. This will be the command that runs every time a container based on this image is started.

Step 8: Build the Docker image

In your terminal or command line, navigate to the directory where your “Dockerfile” is located, and run the command “docker build -t <image-name> .”. This will build the Docker image for your Django application.

Step 9: Run the Django application

Once the image is built, run the command “docker run -p <host-port>:<container-port> <image-name>”. This will start a container based on the Docker image and map the specified host port to the container port where Django is running.

Step 10: Test the application Navigate to “localhost:<host-port>” in your web browser, and you should see your Django application running.

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