Elevate Your Kubernetes Experience: Mastering Cluster Management with the Powerful Kubernetes Dashboard


The Kubernetes Dashboard is a web-based graphical user interface (GUI) that provides a visual representation of a Kubernetes cluster and allows users to manage and monitor its resources. It is an open-source project that is maintained by the Kubernetes community and is installed by default on most Kubernetes clusters.

Understanding the Kubernetes Dashboard

Kubernetes Dashboard is a web-based user interface that provides a graphical representation of the resources and components within a Kubernetes cluster. It is a convenient way for users to monitor and manage their clusters, as well as gather information on pod status, resource usage, and other key metrics. The following are the main features and capabilities of the Kubernetes Dashboard:

  • Cluster Overview: The Dashboard provides a high-level overview of the entire cluster, including its nodes, pods, services, and deployments. It also displays the health status of the cluster, giving users a clear understanding of the current state of the cluster.

  • Resource Visualization: The Dashboard utilizes graphical representations such as charts, graphs, and tables to display information about the resources in the cluster. This allows users to easily understand the resource utilization and identify potential issues.

  • Pod Status and Logs: The Dashboard shows the status of each pod in the cluster, including any errors or warnings that occur. It also provides easy access to the logs of each pod, which helps in troubleshooting issues.

  • Deployment Management: With the Dashboard, users can easily manage deployments, including creating new deployments, scaling them up and down, and deleting them. This provides a convenient way for users to manage their applications running on the cluster.

  • Resource Metrics: The Dashboard collects and displays real-time metrics for the resources in the cluster, such as CPU and memory usage, network traffic, and storage utilization. This helps in monitoring the health and performance of the cluster.

  • User Management: The Dashboard provides fine-grained access control, allowing administrators to manage user access to the cluster. Users can be granted different levels of permissions, such as view-only or full control, ensuring proper security and governance.

  • Plugin Support: The Dashboard has a plugin framework that allows for the integration of new features and functionalities. This allows users to customize the Dashboard and add new capabilities as needed.

  • CLI Integration: The Dashboard can be used in conjunction with the Kubernetes command-line interface (CLI) tool, allowing users to switch seamlessly between the two. This provides flexibility for users who prefer using the CLI for certain tasks.

Installation and Access

Step 1: Prerequisites Before installing the Kubernetes Dashboard, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  • A Kubernetes cluster up and running

  • kubectl command-line tool installed and configured to connect to your cluster

  • A user with cluster-admin permissions to access the Dashboard

Step 2: Download the Dashboard YAML file To install the Kubernetes Dashboard, you need to download and apply the YAML file that defines the Dashboard resources. Use the following command to download the file: $ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/dashboard/v2.2.0/aio/deploy/recommended.yaml

Step 3: Configure the Dashboard Service Account The Kubernetes Dashboard requires a service account to access the cluster resources. Use the following command to create a service account with cluster-admin role: $ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/dashboard/master/aio/deploy/recommended.yaml

Step 4: Create an administrative user for the Dashboard To access the Dashboard, you need to create an administrative user. This user must have a ClusterRoleBinding to the cluster-admin role. Use the following command to create the user: $ kubectl create sa admin -n kubernetes-dashboard

Step 5: Create a ClusterRoleBinding for the administrative user Next, you need to create a ClusterRoleBinding resource to grant the admin user cluster-admin permissions. Use the following command to create the binding: $ kubectl create clusterrolebinding admin — clusterrole=cluster-admin — serviceaccount=kubernetes-dashboard:admin

Step 6: Retrieve the authentication token To access the Dashboard, you need an authentication token that you can retrieve from the admin service account. Use the following command to get the authentication token: $ kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard describe secret $(kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard get secret | grep admin | awk ‘{print $1}’)

Step 7: Start the Kubernetes Dashboard Now it’s time to start the Kubernetes Dashboard. Use the following command to launch the Dashboard: $ kubectl proxy

Step 8: Access the Dashboard After starting the Dashboard, you can access it by visiting the following URL in your web browser: http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kubernetes-dashboard/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/

Dashboard Features

  • Viewing Workloads: The Kubernetes Dashboard allows you to view all the workloads running on your cluster, such as Deployments, StatefulSets, DaemonSets, and Jobs. This can be accessed by clicking on the “Workloads” tab on the left side menu. Here, you can see the current status of each workload, as well as information about its containers, replicas, and resource usage.

  • Managing Workloads: The Dashboard also allows you to perform various actions on your workloads. You can easily scale your deployments, restart pods, and view the rolling update history for a particular workload. You can also create new workloads directly from the dashboard by clicking on the “+ Create” button. This makes it easier to manage and monitor your applications running on Kubernetes.

  • Viewing Services: The “Services” tab on the left side menu allows you to view all the services running in your cluster. This includes both internal and external services. You can get details about each service, such as its configuration, endpoints, health checks, and routing information. You can also update the service’s configuration or delete it from the Dashboard.

  • Exploring Pods: The “Pods” tab in the Dashboard shows a detailed view of all the pods running on your cluster. Here, you can see information about each pod, such as its IP address, status, resource usage, and container logs. You can also filter the pods by namespace, labels, or status to find specific pods quickly. Clicking on a specific pod will give you more detailed information, including its node, node IP, volumes, and container ports.

  • Viewing Logs: The Kubernetes Dashboard also allows you to view the logs of your containers directly from the web interface. When viewing a pod, click on the “Logs” button next to the container to see its logs. You can choose to view the logs of a specific container or view aggregated logs of all containers in the pod. This makes it easier to troubleshoot issues and monitor your application’s output.

  • Monitoring Resource Usage: The Dashboard also provides a graphical representation of your cluster’s resource usage, including CPU, memory, and network usage. You can see the overall cluster usage as well as specific resource usage for nodes, pods, services, and other workloads. This helps in keeping track of your cluster’s health and identifying any potential bottlenecks.

  • Access Control and Management: The Kubernetes Dashboard also allows you to manage access and permissions for different users or groups. You can grant or revoke access to specific resources or namespaces, making it easier to manage different teams accessing the cluster. You can also view the cluster’s RBAC configuration and create new roles and bindings from the dashboard itself.

Customization and Configuration

  • Change the color scheme: The default color scheme of the Kubernetes Dashboard may not be to everyone’s liking. To customize the color scheme, you can edit the CSS styling of the Dashboard. This way, you can change the colors to match your organization’s branding or personal preferences.

  • Add custom metrics: The Dashboard allows you to view and monitor standard metrics such as CPU usage, memory usage, and network traffic. However, you can also add custom metrics by creating and deploying custom metrics APIs, and then configuring the Dashboard to fetch and display these metrics.

  • Create custom views: By default, the Dashboard displays information about the entire cluster. However, you can create custom views or views for specific namespaces to limit the information displayed to only relevant resources. This helps in decluttering the Dashboard and focusing on specific resources.

  • Set resource quotas: You can configure the Dashboard to display resource quotas for each namespace. This gives an overview of the resources allocated and utilized for that namespace, helping in managing resource allocation and preventing resource starvation.

  • Integrate with external monitoring tools: The Dashboard can integrate with external monitoring tools such as Prometheus or Grafana. This allows you to view additional metrics and create custom dashboards for in-depth monitoring and analysis.

  • Configure authentication and authorization: By default, the Dashboard allows unrestricted access to anyone with the URL. To enhance security, you can configure authentication and authorization using Kubernetes RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) system. This ensures that only authorized users have access to the Dashboard and its functionalities.

  • Create notifications and alerts: The Dashboard can be configured to send notifications and alerts in case of critical events or when certain metrics reach a predefined threshold. This helps in proactively addressing potential issues before they become a problem.

  • Install third-party plugins: The Dashboard supports third-party plugins, which can add additional features and functionality. For example, the “Elastic Stack” plugin allows you to view, search, and analyze logs and events from within the Dashboard.

  • Customize resource views: You can customize the resource views in the Dashboard to display additional information or hide unnecessary information. This allows you to focus on relevant information and easily identify any potential issues or bottlenecks.

  • Use labels and annotations: Labels and annotations can be added to resources in Kubernetes to provide additional information and context. The Dashboard allows you to filter and sort resources based on these labels and annotations, making it easier to manage and monitor your cluster.

Integrations and Extensions

  • Metrics Server: The Metrics Server integration provides real-time monitoring and metrics for Kubernetes clusters. It collects key performance metrics such as CPU and memory usage for all nodes and pods in the cluster, which can then be viewed in the Kubernetes Dashboard. This integration is essential for troubleshooting and performance optimization.

  • Heapster: Heapster is an open-source project that provides cluster-level monitoring for Kubernetes. It collects and aggregates metrics from different sources (such as nodes, pods, and containers) and exposes them through an API. The Kubernetes Dashboard can be configured to use Heapster to display these metrics, providing users with a comprehensive view of their cluster’s health and resource utilization.

  • Prometheus: Prometheus is a popular open-source monitoring system that integrates with Kubernetes through its Kubernetes Prometheus Adapter. This integration allows for the collection and display of Prometheus metrics in the Kubernetes Dashboard, giving users a more detailed view of their cluster’s performance.

  • Istio: Istio is a popular service mesh solution for Kubernetes. It provides advanced features such as traffic routing, load balancing, and observability for microservices. The Kubernetes Dashboard can be integrated with Istio to display information about the services and endpoints within the cluster, as well as provide insights into traffic patterns and health metrics.


  • Cluster Management: The Kubernetes Dashboard has several extensions that make it easier to manage clusters. For example, the Kubernetes Cluster Management extension allows users to create and manage multiple clusters from a single dashboard interface. It also provides access to cluster information and advanced cluster recovery options.

  • Third-party Plugins: The Kubernetes Dashboard has a plugin system that allows for the integration of third-party tools and services. For instance, there are plugins available for CI/CD tools such as Jenkins and GitLab, making it convenient to access and manage Kubernetes resources from within these tools.

  • Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs): CRDs enable the creation of custom resources in Kubernetes, extending its functionality beyond the built-in resources. These custom resources can be managed and displayed in the Kubernetes Dashboard, allowing for better visibility and management of unique cluster resources.

  • Role-based access control (RBAC): The Kubernetes Dashboard can be configured with RBAC, which allows for fine-grained access control for different users and groups. RBAC extensions provide a graphical interface to manage roles, permissions, and access within the cluster, making it easier to secure and manage resources.

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