Building Your Cloud Foundation: VMs, Storage, Networking, and Access Control in Azure


Azure, Microsoft's cloud computing platform, offers a comprehensive suite of services for building and managing infrastructure. This article guides you through the essential steps of creating virtual machines (VMs), storage accounts, virtual networks, and implementing access control – the building blocks of a secure and scalable cloud environment in Azure.

1. Provisioning Virtual Machines (VMs):

VMs are the core compute units in Azure, acting as virtual servers for running your applications and workloads. Here's how to create a VM:

  • Azure Portal: Access the Azure portal ( and navigate to the "Virtual Machines" service.
  • Choose VM Image: Select a pre-configured virtual machine image (OS and software) based on your needs. Popular options include Windows Server, Ubuntu, or custom images you upload.
  • Specify VM Size: Choose a virtual machine size (vCPU cores, memory) that aligns with your application's resource requirements.
  • Configure Networking: Select the virtual network your VM will reside in (covered in section 3).
  • Storage Accounts: Choose a storage account for VM disks (covered in section 2).
  • Management and Security: Configure settings like administrator credentials, public IP addresses (if needed), and security groups (access control, covered in section 4).
  • Review and Create: Review your configuration and click "Create" to provision your VM.

2. Setting Up Storage Accounts:

Storage accounts provide durable and scalable storage for your VM disks, application data, and backups. Here's how to create a storage account:

  • Azure Portal: Navigate to the "Storage accounts" service in the Azure portal.
  • Account Creation: Click "Create" and choose a name and location for your storage account.
  • Performance Tier: Select the desired performance tier (standard for general-purpose storage, premium for high-performance needs).
  • Replication Options: Configure data replication for redundancy and disaster recovery (optional).
  • Review and Create: Review your configuration and click "Create" to provision your storage account.

3. Configuring Virtual Networks:

Virtual networks define a private network within Azure for your VMs to communicate securely. Here's how to set up a virtual network:

  • Azure Portal: Navigate to the "Virtual Networks" service in the Azure portal.
  • Network Creation: Click "Create" and provide a name and address space for your virtual network.
  • Subnets: Create subnets within your virtual network to further segment your VMs based on security or functionality.
  • Network Security Groups: Associate network security groups with your subnets to define inbound and outbound traffic rules (covered in section 4).
  • Review and Create: Review your configuration and click "Create" to provision your virtual network.

4. Implementing Access Controls:

Access controls are crucial for securing your cloud resources. Here's how to implement access control using Azure Security Groups:

  • Network Security Groups: Navigate to the "Network security groups" service in the Azure portal.
  • Security Group Creation: Create security groups for your VMs or subnets.
  • Security Rules: Define rules within the security group to allow or deny specific traffic ports (e.g., port 22 for SSH access, port 80 for web traffic).
  • Source and Destination: Specify the source (incoming traffic) and destination (VM or subnet) for each rule.

Additional Considerations

  • Resource Groups: Organize your VMs, storage accounts, and virtual networks into resource groups for easier management and access control.
  • Azure Active Directory (AAD): Integrate Azure Active Directory for a centralized identity and access management solution for your cloud resources.

Benefits of a Secure Cloud Foundation

Building a secure and well-structured cloud environment in Azure using VMs, storage accounts, virtual networks, and access controls offers several advantages:

  • Scalability: Easily scale your resources (VMs, storage) up or down as your needs evolve.
  • Performance: Leverage Azure's high-performance infrastructure for reliable and efficient VM operations.
  • Security: Implement robust access controls to safeguard your data and applications from unauthorized access.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Pay only for the resources you use with Azure's pay-as-you-go pricing model.


By mastering these foundational Azure services, you can build a robust cloud environment for your applications. VMs provide the compute power, storage accounts manage your data, virtual networks ensure secure communication, and access controls keep it all protected. 

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