Basic knowledge of Linux system administration


Linux Distributions

  • Ubuntu: Ubuntu is a popular open-source Linux operating system and offers a wide range of desktop, server, and cloud computing applications. It is based on the Debian GNU/Linux distribution and is supported by Canonical Ltd. Ubuntu is often considered the best Linux distribution for beginners, as it has a large community of users, extensive documentation, and an easy-to-use graphical user interface. Ubuntu is ideal for home users and small businesses.

  • CentOS: CentOS is a community-supported Linux distribution derived from the popular Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) codebase. It is widely used on servers and provides a stable release cycle for system administrators. CentOS is an ideal choice for hosting providers, virtualization platforms, and private and public cloud infrastructure.

  • Fedora: Fedora is a popular open-source Linux distribution developed and maintained by the Fedora Project. It has a lightweight user interface and uses the GNOME desktop environment as its default. Fedora is designed for developers and experienced users who want the latest software and updated packages.

  • Choosing the Right Distribution: When choosing a Linux distribution, it is important to consider the needs of your environment. Popular distributions such as Ubuntu, CentOS, and Fedora are all good choices for general-purpose applications. For specialized requirements, there are a number of specialized distributions such as Kali Linux (for penetration testing), Snappy Ubuntu Core (for IoT applications), and Clear Linux (for optimal performance).

  • Installation and Setup: Installing a Linux distribution involves downloading an ISO file and booting from it. The installation process generally follows the same steps for different distributions, although there may be some minor variations. Once installed, most distributions provide a package manager that can be used to install additional applications. System administration begins with setting up user accounts, configuring services, and making sure security best practices are followed.

Linux Shell and Command Line Interface

  • Introduction to the Linux shell and its significance:

The Linux shell is a command line interface (CLI) that is used to control and manage Linux systems. The shell provides a fast and efficient way to carry out tasks such as downloading files, setting up user accounts, and running applications. It is the primary way of interacting with the Linux operating system. The Linux shell is also a scripting language, allowing users to write scripts that automate tasks.

2. Basic command-line operations and navigation:

Command-line operations and navigation are key skills for using the Linux shell. Common commands like ls, cd, and pwd are used to list and navigate files, while chmod and chown are used to set file permissions and ownership. Other common Linux commands like grep, find, and sort are used to search and manipulate text.

3. Understanding file permissions and ownership:

File permissions and ownership are important concepts in Linux systems. Permissions are used to control who can read, write, and execute specific files or directories. Ownership is also important, as it defines who has the right to control, view, and modify a file or directory. Understanding these concepts is essential for proper system security and administration.

User and Group Management

Creating and Managing User Accounts:

  • Create a new user account on the system by using the command “useradd username” in the terminal.

  • Set initial password for the user account using the command “passwd username” in the terminal.

  • Set up the account details, such as home folder, group membership, password expire details, etc. by editing the file “/etc/passwd”.

  • Assign & grant appropriate permissions to the different user accounts according the requirements using the command “chmod” followed by the desired permission settings.

  • Delete an existing user account on the system by using the command “userdel username” in the terminal.

Assignment of User Roles and Permissions:

  • Assign the roles or permissions for the user accounts according to the requirements.

  • Create the user account with the desired roles or permissions (ex: superuser) by using the command “useradd username -g new_group” in the terminal.

  • Change the roles or permissions for existing user accounts using the command “usermod -G new_group username” in the terminal.

  • Assign & grant appropriate permissions to the different files and folders using the command “chmod” followed by the desired permission settings.

Group Management and User Collaboration:

  • Create groups on the system to collaborate with other users by using the command “groupadd group_name” in the terminal.

  • Assign users to an existing group by using the command “usermod -G group_name username” in the terminal.

  • Assign & grant appropriate permissions to the different groups by using the command “chmod” followed by the desired permission settings.

  • Delete an existing group by using the command “groupdel group_name” in the terminal.

Package Management

A package management system, also referred to as a package manager, is a collection of software tools that automate the processes of installing, upgrading, configuring, and removing computer programs for a computer’s operating system in a consistent manner. Package management systems are typically used to manage a collection of software packages that are available for installation and uninstallation.

The most commonly used package management systems are apt (Debian-based systems), yum (Red Hat-based systems), and dnf (Fedora-based systems).

Installing Software Packages:

The process of installing a software package typically involves downloading a package file from a software repository, verifying the integrity of the package file, and installing the package on the computer. Depending on the package manager, this may involve resolving any dependencies (software packages that the target package relies on in order to be functional) that the package may have.

Updating Software Packages:

The process of updating a software package typically involves downloading a newer version of a given package and replacing the existing package with the new one. The package manager handles verifying the new version of the package and resolves any dependencies associated with the update.

Removing Software Packages:

The process of removing a software package typically involves deleting the directory in which the package is stored, as well as any associated files and configuration settings. Depending on the package, the package manager may also delete any files that the package created during installation and remove associated services.

Dependency Management and Troubleshooting:

Dependency management involves ensuring that any software package dependencies are satisfied before attempting to install a software package. This includes verifying that the correct version of any dependencies is available and resolving conflicts when multiple software packages are dependent on different versions of a single dependency.

Troubleshooting package management issues involves identifying and resolving any issues related to a package manager’s installation, update, or removal of a software package, as well as ensuring the satisfaction of any package dependencies. This may involve manually downloading and installing a dependency package, resolving any conflicts between packages, or forcibly upgrading a dependency package, among other actions.

File System and Disk Management

  • Linux File System Hierarchy: The Linux file system is made up of several elements and components, each of which is arranged in a hierarchical structure called the Linux file system hierarchy. The root directory of the file system is represented by a forward slash (/) and forms the foundation of the hierarchy tree. Below the root are two main categories of files — user files and system files. System files are further divided into four categories based on purpose: /bin — essential user command binaries; /sbin — system binaries; /lib — essential shared libraries and kernel modules; and /etc — configuration files. User files are further divided into subdirectories such as /home — for user home directories; /var — logging and administrative data; and /usr — user applications, libraries, and documentation.

  • Disk Partitioning and Formatting: Partitioning and formatting refer to the process of taking a hard drive and dividing it into multiple partitions. Each partition is formatted according to a specific file system, such as the basic non-volatile FAT16, which is the most commonly used file system. Partitioning allows multiple operating systems to be installed on the same hard drive, as each partition can be seen as a separate disk drive by the operating system. It also allows multiple users to access the same hard drive without interfering with each other’s files.

  • Disk Management Tools and Techniques: Disk management tools and techniques are used to manage hard drives and their associated partitions. This includes tasks such as creating, enlarging, shrinking, or deleting partitions; backing up data; converting and copying disk images; using disk imaging software; and defragmenting disks. These tools and techniques enable users to optimize the performance of their hard drives and ensure that their data remains safe and secure.

Network Configuration and Services

  • Configuring Network Interfaces and IP Addressing: Network interfaces are the physical points of connection between a computer and a network. Configuring a network interface involves setting up its IP address, gateway, subnet mask, and any other necessary parameters. IP Addressing involves assigning unique IP addresses to each device on a network for easy identification and communication.

  • DNS Configuration and Troubleshooting: Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical distributed naming system for computers, services, or other resources connected to a network. DNS configuration and troubleshooting involves setting up DNS servers, managing DNS records, and resolving connectivity issues related to DNS.

  • Introduction to Common Network Services: Common network services are services that are available on a network and used by applications and users. These include protocols such as SSH (Secure Shell), FTP (File Transfer Protocol), HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), and SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol).

System Monitoring and Performance Optimization

  • Monitoring System Resources:

  • CPU: Check CPU utilization on the system using the top, ps, and sar commands to display real-time system performance.

  • Memory: Check memory usage using the free and vmstat commands to monitor RAM.

  • Disk: Check disk utilization using commands like df and du to determine available disk space and check for disk bottlenecks.

  • Network: Monitor network traffic and throughput using ifconfig, netstat, and tcpdump.

2. Performance Tuning and Optimization Techniques:

  • Analyze system-level performance using tools like sar and htop.

  • Tune the operating system kernel parameters to improve system performance.

  • Utilize virtual memory technologies such as swap space and Solid-State Drives (SSD) to increase performance.

  • Enable caching and buffering techniques to reduce disk I/O. • Tune application settings to improve performance.

  • Utilize system optimization scripts and optimizing software packages.

3. Troubleshooting Common Performance Issues:

  • Diagnose performance issues related to memory by using commands like top, sar, and vmstat.

  • .Diagnose performance issues related to CPU with the same tools as mentioned above, and investigate any processes that are utilizing a large portion of the CPU.

  • Diagnose performance issues related to disk usage by analyzing output from commands like df, du, and iostat.

  • Diagnose performance issues related to network connections using tools like ifconfig, netstat, and tcpdump.

Backup and Recovery

Data backup and recovery strategies are incredibly important for Linux system administrators due to the vast amount of data and services Linux systems manage. In the event of a system failure, or even malicious attack, without a reliable backup and recovery plan the system could face significant downtime and data loss.

The following are some of the most common methods and tools for data backups in Linux:

  • rsync — A fast, lightweight, and widely used command-line utility for efficiently synchronizing files and directories.

  • tar — A powerful command-line tool for backing up and archiving entire directories and their contents.

  • rdiff-backup — A powerful backup solution designed to store data offsite by being able to store a unique version of each file and tracking all changes made to the files over time.

  • Bacula — A widely-used open-source network backup solution that is used to automate backup operations.

  • fsarchiver — A cross-platform command-line utility designed to quickly and easily back up and restore entire file systems.

When designing disaster recovery plans for Linux-based systems, administrators must consider their specific environment and needs. It is important to plan ahead so that the necessary data, applications, and services are preserved and the system can be recovered in an acceptable amount of time. The following are some fundamental steps for creating a disaster recovery plan for Linux-based systems:

  • Establish a backup routine — It is important to determine how regularly data needs to be backed up in order to meet organizational needs.

  • Select the appropriate backup solution — Depending on the system and data requirements, administrators should select a backup solution that best meets the organization's needs and can recover data as quickly as possible.

  • Test and validate the backup solutions — Testing and validating the backup solution is essential in ensuring that the data can be recovered in an acceptable amount of time in the event of a system failure.

  • Establish a system monitoring routine — System monitoring is an essential part of any disaster recovery plan. Regularly monitoring the system will help identify any potential problems before a disaster occurs.

  • Establish an incident response plan — A well-defined incident response plan will ensure that administrators are prepared for any potential types of disasters.

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